Sustainable toys made from
recycled plastic
Collection of used plastic
We collect thousands of used plastic fruit packaging every day
We process the fruit trays into plastic granules ourselves, so we can be sure of the supply and quality
Toys again
We use these plastic granules to make Clics blocks and packaging that guarantee hours of fun
We strive for 100% recycled toys
Clics Toys strives for the most energy-efficient production using green energy. Our products are not only produced locally in Belgium, we also use recycled plastic. Our building blocks consist of 50% recycled plastic, our packaging (plastic buckets, roller boxes, …) already consists of 100% recycled materials!
We are constantly looking for ways to produce our entire product range with recycled plastic, without compromising on quality, flexibility and fun!
Our factory can recycle up to
1.600 kg
of plastic daily
The Clics Toys factory can make up to
per day
All these efforts reduce Clics Toys’ carbon footprint by
Solar-powered production!
Our solar panel park generates 18,000 kWh of green energy, so that we can process the recycled materials in an energy-efficient way.
We strive for a better future for your child
Clics Toys takes care of the planet because we believe in a bright future. We take our responsibility by investing in local production, with a solar energy and making products that are completely made from recycled materials. In this way, children can play with educational, enjoyable and responsible toys not only today, but also tomorrow.